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General Category => ARCHIVE => Topic started by: admin on May 13, 2013, 09:32:42 AM

Title: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: admin on May 13, 2013, 09:32:42 AM
TOP 5 Youth players from "Youth Camp"

Name | Nationality | Limited ability | Numbers of camp in the country | cumulative investment

Diogo Silva (6723218)  Brazil  LA 10     (1/888)  1000000
Wilfredo Agüero (6727880)  Spain  LA 10  (1/587)  1200000
Elijah Bulle (6724783)  English  LA 10   (1/403)  1150000
Enrique Puig (6722189) Argentina  LA 10  (1/554)  2025000
Arthur Grosz (6725411)  Germany LA 10    (1/389)  2000000

Next round we will balance the youth camp by significantly degrading the quality of the youth player in low competitive countries. We will also introduce 1-2 gifted players in GKO world without taking competitiveness into consideration. Apart from this the quality of youth players in each country is determined using the same principles as the previous round as follows.

- In each country, every youth camp will be ranked based on the cumulative investment of each club.
-The total investment on youth camps of each country will affect the quality of youth players in that country.
Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: dantes on May 13, 2013, 10:02:55 AM
Degrading quality of the youth players in low competitive countries will make a huge gap between national teams, which is unfair. It is also unfair to managers who invest a lot of money in smaller countries. Quality of players from camps should be determined by investment of each manager. Cumulative investment is stupid system. And what about cancel button?
Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: shomyguca on May 13, 2013, 10:07:58 AM
Yes, we are looking forward for CANCEL button!
Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: marius.82 on May 13, 2013, 11:25:45 AM
is  unfair to managers who invest a lot of money in smaller countries. Quality of players from camps should be determined by investment of each manager. Cumulative investment is stupid system. And what about cancel button?
with this part I totaly agree !
Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: dantes on May 13, 2013, 11:56:01 AM
I think we need a poll. Nobody is happy with this cumulative investment system.
Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: daniele2607 on May 13, 2013, 12:37:50 PM
Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: chespis on May 13, 2013, 12:48:21 PM
I invested a lot of money in Paraguay, there is not much youth camps in there. Now You are telling me that even if I keep investing a lot of money, just because Paraguay is a country with less camps that others, I will get only a Lower LA Player? how can I change my camp??????

Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: marius.82 on May 13, 2013, 12:54:59 PM
I think we need a poll. Nobody is happy with this cumulative investment system.
NOT a poll is the solution !!! THE solution is that the developers stick every time with the original plan that they've been told us !!! they lied to us. THEY DID NOT SAID THAT FIRST TIME THE CUMULATIVE INVESTMENT DOESN'T COUNT ! WE NEED TO BE CORECTLY INFORMED !!!!
Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: Kr10s on May 13, 2013, 01:03:01 PM
And again, we are the lab mice....

People started a 2 season investment and suddenly, a new change in the system, the rules changes and a long empty promise.

With all respect: are you trying to kill the game? If so, you're in the right direction!

Youth camps were supossed to be ready a season ago, they finally were lauched without docs, unclear rules, unbalanced and also with an empty promise (what about that cancel button)?

Is so hard to read people's toughts? Is so hard to give them something close to their demands? What's next? Turning token into money to invest in youth camps?

Please, the game is filled with bugs, why don't you fix all of them before launching a new feature? It's clear for us, you have no idea where to lead this game, at least let us play a comfortable, bug free game, and we will avoid these unpleasant announcements for a while!
Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: dantes on May 13, 2013, 01:04:33 PM
Well, admin obviously want to please those who complained a few days before and those who complain always about everything. With this decision there is 20 happy managers and everybody else is unhappy. But admin does not care. Complainers are happy. You will f**k this game seriously with decision like that. First of all, managers with a lot of money and older managers will get the best players. New managers will never reach their level. But this game is developed for 20 people obviously. One more thing, I am "older" manager, I have very good team already, so I do not complain about this decision because of myself but because of all managers who will have negative impact with such decisions.
Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: tucko89 on May 13, 2013, 01:17:02 PM
There need to balance the camps, there are two sides, one are we who invest in small countries and got pretty solid players with not so big investments and the other sides are the ones who invest a lot of money in big countries. So there is no balance, because we are arguing for the decreasing of the quality of the players that will be from next camp round, but others will arguing for the amount of money invested in the camps so I think it will be for the best if there will be option to transfer our net invest from one camp to other, so that we will not start from zero and will not be far behind from others who have invested in that county.
Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: Kr10s on May 13, 2013, 01:17:46 PM
Well, admin obviously want to please those who complained a few days before and those who complain always about everything. With this decision there is 20 happy managers and everybody else is unhappy. But admin does not care. Complainers are happy. You will f**k this game seriously with decision like that. First of all, managers with a lot of money and older managers will get the best players. New managers will never reach their level. But this game is developed for 20 people obviously.

Nobody is happy with it: many big teams invested in weak countries, because they don't want to strenghten rival countries.

People only asked one thing: stop this stupid race for the first place, let a 3rd, 5th or 10th ranked team have the chance to receive something better than those with a bigger wallet.
Now, the race continues, with only one change: bigger investments are in Argentina, Brazil, England, Germany and Spain, if you want talent, go and invest there.....
Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: chespis on May 13, 2013, 01:23:41 PM
bigger investments are in Argentina, Brazil, England, Germany and Spain, if you want talent, go and invest there.....

And if you are in one of those Country Bad luck!!!!!
Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: dantes on May 13, 2013, 01:26:56 PM
I agree Carlos, in that number 20, I consider happy those managers who already have camps in big countries and invest a lot of money there. I think there is just one fair solution. Make fixed weekly investment, for example 50 000 G for each camp, so everybody invest the same amount of money. Quality of players in that system should be pure random.
Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: berkan on May 13, 2013, 01:30:22 PM

-The total investment on youth camps of each country will affect the quality of youth players in that country.

This is true??? then countries with little investment affect the quality of the players of Country??? I think it is extremely unfair.
Then as my country "Paraguay" has little investment have mediocre players??? this also drag the Academies??? I think you should correct this immediately ...
Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: Kr10s on May 13, 2013, 01:36:47 PM

-The total investment on youth camps of each country will affect the quality of youth players in that country.

This is true??? then countries with little investment affect the quality of the players of Country??? I think it is extremely unfair.
Then as my country "Paraguay" has little investment have mediocre players??? this also drag the Academies??? I think you should correct this immediately ...

Correct me if i'm wrong, but i think admin meant youth camp players, not academy players....
Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: marius.82 on May 13, 2013, 01:37:13 PM
I will make a suposition.what if in those country with bigest investment at the end of 2 season the first ranked team will invest 20 mil.G what he will receive in change ??????
Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: raketa on May 13, 2013, 03:03:58 PM
is  unfair to managers who invest a lot of money in smaller countries. Quality of players from camps should be determined by investment of each manager. Cumulative investment is stupid system.

This is best sentence    ;D
Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: top level on May 13, 2013, 03:23:11 PM
i think you need to award the good players according to each club´s investment, regardless of the country. everybody wants a high LA player, and if one cannot get such player in a low(er) investment country, one will go for 3 of the 5 countries you just mentioned. those countries will have the best players, therefore the best national teams, making those competitions meaningless.

giving the best player to the top investment club is a good thing. no need for random here, because one unlucky manager could have the highest investment in 3 countries forever, but never receive the best player. a few ˝wonder kids˝ a season created out of nowhere and distributed random is enough.

also, please be careful with the LA of the youth camp players, compared to ˝the best academy˝ players. consider the fact that it took a very long time and an enormous amount of money for one club to get to ˝the best˝ (and has no guarantee of a LA 9 or 10 player), while a club that invested only 1 mil got a LA 10 straight away.
Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: raketa on May 13, 2013, 04:01:10 PM
In countries where a large number of manager investment give the 10 players with large LA and 20 players with midle LA. In countries where a low number of manager  investment  with great yielded 2  players with large LA and 2 player with middle LA. Or something proportionally. Then the teams that are on top of investments receive the best players and everyone is happy
Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: Igecot on May 13, 2013, 06:07:41 PM
So WHAT should we who created camps in low populated countries do ?

And if only countries who have a lot of teams invested there continue to get GREAT players , how can that be good for every nation?

Cancel button ?! It will be good for those who didn't invest much ! but for people who invested 1M not needed

And I am curios why the hell people invest a lot of money in countries where there are already good players ? I mean there are countries like mine (Macedonia ) who has senior and U-21  NTmanager , but we don't have good players . The possibility for that good player to be called in NT are much higher than to be called in the BIG countries .
Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: Kr10s on May 13, 2013, 07:24:52 PM
Complains aside, admin, just a question:

How many camps and how much money invested are required to consider a country competitive?

No cancel camp button? Okay, how about a "0 G" investment option? So at least people will avoid spending unnecesary money for now on....
Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: Andy on May 13, 2013, 07:44:53 PM
Next round we will balance the youth camp by significantly degrading the quality of the youth player in low competitive countries. We will also introduce 1-2 gifted players in GKO world without taking competitiveness into consideration.

Admin, well thanks for telling us that there will be changes in the second round of youth camp graduates but you've gotta tell us a bit more than this. Alot of us spend alot of time trying to plan our way to sucess but this whole concept of youth camps has been poorly communicated from the start - its like you are trying to penalise the planners and reward the managers who like a "lucky dip". Please gives us some indication as those countries who are currently considered "low competitive." and what kind of players they can expect.

Chespis - obviously I dont have any answers but when you look at the myriad of small investments in countries like Zambia etc then surely your investment is enough to continue to attract LA 9 players?

Carlos - I know exactly how you feel but you got remember that alot of managers got rewarded for not waiting two years to see what happens.

Everyone, I think you got to remember that the managers who have been playing for a long time need LA9s and LA10s to improve their team and these managers have lots of money to invest if they choose to do so. Let them compete in the big ponds. Managers with not so developed teams will really value LA7s but they dont have so much money so leave the small ponds for them. If we end up with an even position where everyone can invest in the countries that suit their needs then that is good. It can't be fair where the top investor in Zambia gets an LA8 for 65k?

Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: Kr10s on May 13, 2013, 08:02:16 PM
Andy, i have no problem with those who got good players from the start, i'm okay with it. What really pisses me off is that no matter how hard we try, no matter how cold calculations we do, it is impossible to plan something, amd that's not enough, i can't get a good player next season (as i planned) and i can't get rid of this new burden, it sucks.
The enviroment changed so many times, in so unclear directions that any manager-user surely think that the people behind this game is not even an amateur.

There was some reselling trouble, how did we end? Inflaction, massive spamming in chat room and sky high wages.

The situation is so unpleasant sometimes, i always try to keep my finances clean, with so many sudden changes i had to fire a 120 credit coach, i am sure you don't know how it feels.
And still, against al odds, we still try to plan something, based on the minimum information we receive, what do we receive? Anooooother problem... it's so frustrating..

Edit: If somebodt invested 85k in Zambia and received a LA8 player there, it's okay, he probably invested money there without a single clue about how youth camps were suposed to work, remember we received all the docs later.
Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: Andy on May 13, 2013, 08:11:36 PM
The situation is so unpleasant sometimes, i always try to keep my finances clean, with so many sudden changes i had to fire a 120 credit coach, i am sure you don't know how it feels.

Ouch! :o

I agree with you. Its as though the developers are rewarding lucky dips instead of good planning.

Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: Brian Clough on May 13, 2013, 09:08:01 PM
...the quality of youth players in each country is determined using the same principles as the previous round as follows.

- In each country, every youth camp will be ranked based on the cumulative investment of each club.
-The total investment on youth camps of each country will affect the quality of youth players in that country.

Overall, I like the youth camp system. However, I really think there should be a bit of a lag for investments to pay off. In other words, the "total investment" considered by the game engine in determining the quality of the player from the youth camp should NOT include money invested since the most recent round of youth camp players. It just seems silly that a manager could invest a (few) million G and receive dividends a week or two later in the form of a LA10 player. Investments in youth camps should take time to pay off!
Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: BuddAbass on May 15, 2013, 05:43:14 AM
thx for fix balance
I hope admin thinking into account the low investment(100k-200k), but have little LA.(1/5/4) :'(
Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: blahblah on May 25, 2013, 11:33:47 AM
Yet another daft knee jerk reaction to a badly implemented feature, which is almost a fault....

Why don't they just give more top youths to the countries with more clubs investing, rather than taking away from the quality of the top ones in less popular countries?
Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: xerexy on May 25, 2013, 03:01:32 PM
TOP 5 Youth players from "Youth Camp"

Name | Nationality | Limited ability | Numbers of camp in the country | cumulative investment

Diogo Silva (6723218)  Brazil  LA 10     (1/888)  1000000
Wilfredo Agüero (6727880)  Spain  LA 10  (1/587)  1200000
Elijah Bulle (6724783)  English  LA 10   (1/403)  1150000
Enrique Puig (6722189) Argentina  LA 10  (1/554)  2025000
Arthur Grosz (6725411)  Germany LA 10    (1/389)  2000000

Next round we will balance the youth camp by significantly degrading the quality of the youth player in low competitive countries. We will also introduce 1-2 gifted players in GKO world without taking competitiveness into consideration. Apart from this the quality of youth players in each country is determined using the same principles as the previous round as follows.

- In each country, every youth camp will be ranked based on the cumulative investment of each club.
-The total investment on youth camps of each country will affect the quality of youth players in that country.

When you will STOP changing rules everytime 20 people complain and whine on forum, you have new feature and cca 20 managers whine and cry on forum like " I didn't get LA9 player", " It's unfair I am not the best", " I have a small ....."  every time cca 20 people whine and write stupid thing on forum and you change rules I got 3 player CA 1 LA 4 PR 4 and I am now complaining not whining, best would be who whines more than 5 times on forum get LA 7 player, for 25 posts and crying get LA 8 player ...... maybe then it will suite all.
Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: Brian Clough on May 25, 2013, 04:34:52 PM
Yet another daft knee jerk reaction to a badly implemented feature, which is almost a fault....

Why don't they just give more top youths to the countries with more clubs investing, rather than taking away from the quality of the top ones in less popular countries?
Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: Guardieula on June 13, 2013, 08:57:53 AM
What's the date for the new round of youth camp?
Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: Littmann on June 13, 2013, 09:47:21 AM
What's the date for the new round of youth camp?
25 round of National League Competition until end of the season. From 03/07/2013 till the end of the season
Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: florinsteaua on June 13, 2013, 10:34:44 PM
i wonder if LA will be increased or LA 10 will be maximum this round too
Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: spamrulez on June 14, 2013, 05:22:15 AM
La 10 is really high.
Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: Igecot on June 14, 2013, 01:08:55 PM
If somebody is interested i have just calculated the total money spent in Brazil on youth camps!
I am waiting to see what kind of players we will get from it.... ::)

I think that in top5 countries (where most teams invested) there will be 2-3 players with LA 12 PR4 ...

But I want to ask admin to don't do things like that because it anoys everyone who invested in academy ... Or at least make balance and give good players from academy too!
Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: Night_Fun(RigaGoldWings) on June 14, 2013, 04:24:46 PM

I think that in top5 countries (where most teams invested) there will be 2-3 players with LA 12 PR4 ...

But I want to ask admin to don't do things like that because it anoys everyone who invested in academy ... Or at least make balance and give good players from academy too!

I am currently no4 in Brazil youth race, but i totally agree with you that level of players out of academies should be increased, as it is not fair to people who pay maintenance costs along with their huge investments before youth camps were introduced... Therefore youth camps are good feature to decrease inflation => amount of money circulating in Gokickoff  :P
Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: dorpat on July 03, 2013, 01:18:13 PM
What's the date for the new round of youth camp?
25 round of National League Competition until end of the season. From 03/07/2013 till the end of the season

Well ... today is 03/07/2013. Did anyone get any or we are waiting for the next round.
Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: TommyJ on July 03, 2013, 01:28:08 PM
What's the date for the new round of youth camp?
25 round of National League Competition until end of the season. From 03/07/2013 till the end of the season

Well ... today is 03/07/2013. Did anyone get any or we are waiting for the next round.
Last time, youngsters came on Thursday, not Wednesday (league match day), so let be patient and wait until tomorrow
Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: Littmann on July 04, 2013, 05:22:46 AM
Again BUG?! No players,no deducted money for camps?! :o
Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: bataraz on July 04, 2013, 05:38:18 AM
"This week you have paid maintenace for the following youth camps; Youth camp1 XXXX g, camp2 XXXX g, and camp3 XXXX g."
6 days ago  (27/06/2013 06:01:22)
Calm down dude, just 30 minutes more!  ;)
Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: Littmann on July 04, 2013, 05:50:52 AM
"This week you have paid maintenace for the following youth camps; Youth camp1 XXXX g, camp2 XXXX g, and camp3 XXXX g."
6 days ago  (27/06/2013 06:01:22)
Calm down dude, just 30 minutes more!  ;)
Oh,I thought that is going with daily update! :) Thanks! :)
Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: spamrulez on July 04, 2013, 06:46:12 AM
The italian league updated and the teams paied for the camps but received nothing back right now.
Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: Drahcir on July 04, 2013, 06:47:57 AM
Wasn't it said that players would come between round 25 and 30, or something? Meaning we can't expect them just yet :)
Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: dantes on July 04, 2013, 06:51:27 AM
Yeah, but it might be not today. Maybe next thursday.
Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: spamrulez on July 04, 2013, 06:54:50 AM
We had round 25.  >:(

The more we wait and less time we have for planning the new season with the new youngster from the accademy.
Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: elcura on July 04, 2013, 08:09:16 AM
Admin said between 25 and 30 week so stop trolling and wait patiently. This period of time was set up deliberately so just stop crying and wait.
Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: Kr10s on July 04, 2013, 09:35:13 AM
Admin said between 25 and 30 week so stop trolling and wait patiently. This period of time was set up deliberately so just stop crying and wait.


Some people invested more than a million today, this random gap to get the youth is precisely to avoid those last time investment. Rules are clear about youth, if we get them on july 19th it would be fine too, round 30 is played on july 20th and we woulds still be on the gap between round 25 and round 30.
Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: spamrulez on July 04, 2013, 09:55:27 AM
For avoiding last minute investment it would be good a lower investment limit.
Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: daniele2607 on July 04, 2013, 09:57:22 AM
In a game made programming, however, these things seem completely random not help at all .. ;)
Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: spamrulez on July 04, 2013, 11:45:00 AM
True story.

My hope is fir the next week.
Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: Brian Clough on July 04, 2013, 04:33:18 PM
For avoiding last minute investment it would be good a lower investment limit.

No need for that IMO. Instead, I'd rather managers could choose their weekly investment by typing any amount rather than have to select from the existing choices. That way a manager could select 0G or 60,000G or 150,000G or 2,783G or whatever they want.

Also, it would be helpful to get some information about teams' weekly movement in the national rankings. In addition to the current rank, national youth camp info should also display the previous week's rank and perhaps an arrow indicating whether the team has moved up or down in the rankings.
Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: top level on July 04, 2013, 05:01:28 PM
that second part i do it myself in excel. very helpful and i know the weekly investments too.

we should have access to the ranking of all the nations.  this should be public info.

i can´t wait to see the level of the players from small countries! it´s going to be such a disappointment, everybody will start asking for that cancel button again, so they can switch to one of the big countries and once they´ll migrate there, it´s only a matter of time until those countries will have a massive advantage in high LA players

:evil grin:
Title: youth camp
Post by: edwin22 on July 04, 2013, 06:19:12 PM
what about the youth camp facilities system? took more than a month without receiving players await your response, and please make a system where at least give an explanation for it is and how is their use at least make alog :-X
Title: Re: youth camp
Post by: elcura on July 04, 2013, 06:36:28 PM
FFS are you people are that stupid? Cant you read what GM said?
New players from youth camp will be added between 25 and 30 week. So between 03-07-2013 and 20-07-2013... Its simple, so stop trolling and spamming and wait for it.
Title: Re: youth camp
Post by: top level on July 04, 2013, 06:50:12 PM
FFS are you people are that stupid? Cant you read what GM said?
New players from youth camp will be added between 25 and 30 week. So between 03-07-2013 and 20-07-2013... Its simple, so stop trolling and spamming and wait for it.

isn´t your behavior flaming and trolling?
Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: N-D-A-F on July 05, 2013, 08:38:45 AM
Just wait , they will come ...
Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: spamrulez on July 05, 2013, 09:22:45 AM
Shall they age in just few days?
Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: Night_Fun(RigaGoldWings) on July 05, 2013, 10:21:29 AM
175,270,000.00 G
Spent in Brazil.

Waiting to see what have the person got who have spent 4 millions to be the first

 :-\  :D
Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: Kr10s on July 05, 2013, 10:27:07 AM
Shall they age in just few days?

Yes, they will be older soon, season 8 should end in a month, more or less.

So, unless the youth camps's scheme changes, people will receive an almost 18 years old, CA1 LA? PR4 player.
Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: spamrulez on July 05, 2013, 11:01:54 AM
What a pity.

The accademy are really much better.
Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: dorpat on July 11, 2013, 07:17:13 AM
This week we have again deducted money for camps. :) The positive tension and excitement grows. Waiting patiently for the next week.
Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: top level on July 11, 2013, 07:44:34 AM
how does the limit on spending works here?
let´s say i have 100.000 g on my account and i set the investment to 200.000 g. how much is deducted? 200.000 (and be in debt 100.000) or 5.000, because i don´t have enough funds?
i´m asking because i have seen teams having ´okay´ on finances and after the update they become ´debt´. i want to know when do they limit the spending, when the club is already in ´debt´ or if it would become debt if they would spend the set amount.
thank you!
Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: firecloud0102 on July 11, 2013, 07:54:12 AM
how does the limit on spending works here?
let´s say i have 100.000 g on my account and i set the investment to 200.000 g. how much is deducted? 200.000 (and be in debt 100.000) or 5.000, because i don´t have enough funds?
i´m asking because i have seen teams having ´okay´ on finances and after the update they become ´debt´. i want to know when do they limit the spending, when the club is already in ´debt´ or if it would become debt if they would spend the set amount.
thank you!

let´s say i have 100.000 g on my account and i set the investment to 200.000 g. how much is deducted? 200.000 (and be in debt 100.000) or 5.000, because i don´t have enough funds?

5000 G。
Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: xerexy on July 18, 2013, 07:13:03 AM
TOP 5 Youth players from "Youth Camp"

Name | Nationality | Limited ability | Numbers of camp in the country | cumulative investment

Diogo Silva (6723218)  Brazil  LA 10     (1/888)  1000000
Wilfredo Agüero (6727880)  Spain  LA 10  (1/587)  1200000
Elijah Bulle (6724783)  English  LA 10   (1/403)  1150000
Enrique Puig (6722189) Argentina  LA 10  (1/554)  2025000
Arthur Grosz (6725411)  Germany LA 10    (1/389)  2000000

Next round we will balance the youth camp by significantly degrading the quality of the youth player in low competitive countries. We will also introduce 1-2 gifted players in GKO world without taking competitiveness into consideration. Apart from this the quality of youth players in each country is determined using the same principles as the previous round as follows.

- In each country, every youth camp will be ranked based on the cumulative investment of each club.
-The total investment on youth camps of each country will affect the quality of youth players in that country.

When you will STOP changing rules everytime 20 people complain and whine on forum, you have new feature and cca 20 managers whine and cry on forum like " I didn't get LA9 player", " It's unfair I am not the best", " I have a small ....."  every time cca 20 people whine and write stupid thing on forum and you change rules I got 3 player CA 1 LA 4 PR 4 and I am now complaining not whining, best would be who whines more than 5 times on forum get LA 7 player, for 25 posts and crying get LA 8 player ...... maybe then it will suite all.


ADMIN and all other idiots that have complained about strenght of the players from youth camp (those 20 whiners) YOU HAVE WON!!!!!!!!!

Changing of the rules in middle of the season, not giving cancel botun as posibility to stop this circus, has done job, I must say I have never seen most idiotic and more stupid decisions ever in RL or in online game.

After investing 4 750 000 in 3 camps, I got youg talets OHHHH WHAT A TALENTS

For about 2 milion INVESTMENT I got from 2 camps 1/5/4 FUTURE STARS
and FOR 900 000 I HAVE ONE REMARCABLE PLAYER 1/3/4 I AM specialy proud on this one, he's my favorite from today WOWWWWWW

THANKS ADMIN you made those 20 whiners that have IQ like frozen chicken to influence on you, AND YOU DID THAT  8)

I hope that after this you will lose all supporters and then you can play by yourselve!!!!

I didn't ask for players LA 9,10-....... but for 2 mil investment I belive I deservet at least 1/6/4 player but that is to strong WOW!

I do not care my team is strong and I'll manage to survive, fuck that 4,5 milion (with that I coud buy 2 LA 9 players from that famous youth camp), I'll keep winning but you will lose your supporters, and for the end  :-* all kids age 13 and under + ADMMIN who made this truly remarkable decision!

best regards

Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: Ruta on July 18, 2013, 07:22:16 AM
Rules were clear from the beginning. Just was a bug in mid-season. Now is all by the rules. Countries with highest total investment got the best youth. Everyone should now to know that is very bad idea to invest in country when ie 1000 users cause good players get only some people from the top of the list. Xerexy , you just did good work for someone else ha ha
 And I tell you what to do know. Stop to invest in big countries try to find others to make many countries on same level of investments. after that new youth will come to more countries than : Brazil, Spain, Italy or Argentina. The most problem is that we need a Cancel Button

Repeat :
1) the most important : Cancel Button
1) don't invest in countries with many users, cause you help someone else
2) if you want to play this Russian roulette try to make more countries on same level of investments
Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: xerexy on July 18, 2013, 07:26:03 AM
Rules were clear from the beginning. Justwas a bug in mid-season. Now is all by the rules. Countries with highest total investment gots the best youth. Everyone shoul now to know that is very bad idea to invest in country when ie 1000 users cause good player get only some form the top of the list. Xerexy , you just did good workt for someone else ha ha
 And I tell you what to do know. Stop to invest in big countries try to find others to make many countries on same level of investments. after that new youth will come to more countries than : Brazil, Spain, Italy or Argentina. The most problem is that we need a Cancel Button

Repeat :
1) the most important : Cancel Button
1) don't invest in countries with many users, couse you help someone else
2) if you want to play this Russian roulette try to make more countries on same level of investments


and got 1/4/5 for that in booth camps so please think again when writing!
Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: Ruta on July 18, 2013, 07:28:26 AM
Do you able to read? The best player go to countries with best investments like Brazil, Spain or Italy. No matter if you are 1st in Aruba ,lol

- In each country, every youth camp will be ranked based on the cumulative investment of each club.

- The total investment on youth camps of each country will affect the ability of youth players in that country.

Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: xerexy on July 18, 2013, 07:30:56 AM
Did you able to read? The best player go to countries with best investments like Brazil, Spain or Italy. No matter if you are 1st in Aruba ,lol

So normal is to make changes in middle of the season YEAH, RUTA I DO NOT complain about BEST PLAYERS LA 9 or 10 but what is with LA 8 LA 7 and even LA6 players are those SUPERSTARS TOO??

Or you think that I and every one else deserve 1/5/4 player for 2 milion ??
Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: daniele2607 on July 18, 2013, 07:33:05 AM
it is useless to complain so much .. no one forces you to spend millions in youth ... who does he does at his own risk and peril complain ... it's no use your brain! ;) ;) ;)
Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: Ruta on July 18, 2013, 07:34:36 AM

Or you think that I and every one else deserve 1/5/4 player for 2 milion ??
yes . you deserve cause you didn't read the rules. Who is guilty ? Me? I don't think so, I knew many smart users who knew that this situation must happen :)
Admin is only guilty for not implement Cancel Button . But you just should minimize you investments to 5000 k per week to loose less.
Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: xerexy on July 18, 2013, 07:38:04 AM
WHAT RULES, they didnt updated those from start of the game,

Do you want me to tell you how to buy player without money because they have BUG

Do they changed rules about Man Marking NOPE not even anouncment (and yes formula for MM is changed if you want to know what is now PM ME 31606 my team)

MOTS in last leg are totaly failed (this could be bug or just coincidence)

so WHAT RULES (same one they have decide to change in middle of the season) ???????????
Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: Ruta on July 18, 2013, 07:43:38 AM
What are you taking about ? You have rules here : ( 2nd of April and in this topic you have also :

Next round we will balance the youth camp by significantly degrading the quality of the youth player in low competitive countries. We will also introduce 1-2 gifted players in GKO world without taking competitiveness into consideration. Apart from this the quality of youth players in each country is determined using the same principles as the previous round as follows.

- In each country, every youth camp will be ranked based on the cumulative investment of each club.
-The total investment on youth camps of each country will affect the quality of youth players in that country.
So I am asking again , do you able to read? lol
Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: xerexy on July 18, 2013, 07:59:19 AM
What are you taking about ? You have rules here : ( 2nd of April and in this topic you have also :

Next round we will balance the youth camp by significantly degrading the quality of the youth player in low competitive countries. We will also introduce 1-2 gifted players in GKO world without taking competitiveness into consideration. Apart from this the quality of youth players in each country is determined using the same principles as the previous round as follows.

- In each country, every youth camp will be ranked based on the cumulative investment of each club.
-The total investment on youth camps of each country will affect the quality of youth players in that country.
So I am asking again , do you able to read? lol

I send you PM as this do not make sense to continue here  :'(
Title: Re: Next round of Youth Camp
Post by: spamrulez on July 18, 2013, 05:52:59 PM
I don't like these camps. I'll invest the minimum and not a single g more than the minumum.

Soon I'll own a The Best accademy and I'll draw from there my youngster.

From a Very Good accademy I draw the most expansive player ever on the market. After all it's a good way.  :-*