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Messages - sarad987

Pages: 1 2 3 [4]
Suggestions/Bugs / Training player mental specific skills
« on: February 25, 2013, 11:31:59 PM »
Admin is it posible to train all mental skills separately in the future? It's not logical that we can train decision or creativity of a player and not determination or influense separately. For example sometimes I want to have attacker with good determination but I don't wanna waste marks on his influence because I don't need a captain, or to make it simple I just want to train my player the way that I want :) In real football that is posible... you are trying to make this game realistic aren't you? :P

Serbia / Re: Pitanja i odgovori
« on: February 25, 2013, 02:09:19 PM »
A jbg... bas bezveze sto to nisu ubacili, sta ce mi influence da napreduje kad ima igrac vec dobar, samo mi se rasipaju ocene bzv :) a da im pisemo da ubace to Shomika od sledece sezone?

Serbia / Re: Pitanja i odgovori
« on: February 24, 2013, 04:32:47 PM »
Ljudi kako igracu da treniras determination(odlucnost)? Nema u special skillovima...

Serbia / Re: Reprezentacija
« on: December 20, 2012, 11:33:27 AM »
Slazem se sa Kezom sto se tice forsiranja igraca sa najboljim la/pr. Svake sledece sezone ce samo Rasha npr. da izbaci 7 ili vise perverznih igraca iz The Best akademije i sta cemo sa njima? U mladu? Ili u seniorsku da se kale? I koga cemo da izbacimo od ovih sto jos uvek napreduju? Sto se tice testiranja starijih u nekoj formaciji to sigurno pomaze. Npr. padne nam se jak protivnik sa klasicnom formacijom 4-4-2 mi kazemo: axa, odvalili smo nekog sa tom formacijom, sa ovim igracima i tom strategijom... I onda ne idem na to "nadam se da ce dobro da odigraju" nego stvarno povecavas svoje sanse za pobedu. Mogli bi do sutra o prednostima i manama svacije strategije, zato je tu selektor, koji ima najvise iskustva i za koga verujem da ce da izabere najbolje. Ja ne planiram da vodim reprezentaciju, niti  hocu da se svadjam, ovo je igra, ako mogu da pomognem nekom diskusijom mogu, ako ne nikom nista. Pozdrav.

Serbia / Re: Reprezentacija
« on: December 19, 2012, 07:21:48 PM »
Kuwait    1  -  3     Serbia

Evo da napisemo mi - privremeni selektori nesto o prethodnoj i sledecoj utakmici koju vodimo.
Nema potrebe da komentarisemo utakmicu jer se iz rezultata sve vidi. Ono sto je bitno to je diskusija koja se vodila tokom utakmice i neslaganja izmedju nas koji smo vodili i timova koji zele da u prijateljskim utakmicama igraju njihovi igraci.
Ja licno i dalje stojim iza toga da treba da igra makar tri igraca koji imaju iskustvo i dobre rezultate u prethodnim sezonama, a posto ima dosta takvih igraca u nasoj ligi, da bi znali ko ce na kojoj poziciji i u kojoj formaciji biti dobar, mora da se isproba -  prijateljske utakmice su tu upravo zbog toga. Zato smo testirali neke kvalitetne igrace koji mogu da se nadju tu ako se npr. povredi neki od tih dobrih klinaca o kojima svi pricaju i potrebna je proverena zamena za istog. Za sledecu tekmu koju budemo vodili gledacemo da uzimamo najperspektivnije nase igrace kako bi sto vi se napredovali i bili oslonac reprezentacije u kvalifikacijama nadam se.

P.S. Rasho hvala sto si ispostovao nasu selekciju  i taktiku.  8)

Suggestions/Bugs / Re: Let premium week for everybody on Christmas week
« on: November 18, 2012, 11:23:39 PM »
like! ;)

Suggestions/Bugs / Re: Canceling transfer
« on: October 06, 2012, 10:24:44 AM »
And if I make mistake and bid 1600000 instead 160000? (my friend was in that situation) Or if minimum bit is to high to change it to minimum? You can loose a lot of money and canceling offer is really reasonable in that situation.

Rules/ Guidelines / How To / Re: Attention, cheating is not allowed!
« on: September 22, 2012, 12:51:33 PM »
Ok m8, we didn't know that... I didn't read in the rules that I have to report my roommate with same IP adress, but I did it when they banned him (still didn't get the answer from GKO) so is there any chance to unbanned him, and give me back my money? We'll make sure not to make this mistake again...    :D

Rules/ Guidelines / How To / Re: Attention, cheating is not allowed!
« on: September 22, 2012, 11:05:06 AM »
same ip trading players

That's not answer to my question. So I should forbid my roommate to buy player that he wants to buy? And he didn't buy player for 1 million or something unreal, he bought it for real price... I am not that stupid to risk 4 seasons of play for 300k G! So my question still is - How can you check if someone is cheating in that situation? Can you check different mac addresses or something? I think that lot of players have the "roommate problem" and it would be very useful to solve it....

Rules/ Guidelines / How To / Re: Attention, cheating is not allowed!
« on: September 20, 2012, 11:05:41 AM »
Hey admin, I have two quick questions for you:

Can me and my roommate play from same IP adress and not get banned? (my friend is banned and I got -1M G)

How can you check if someone is cheating in that situation?   :-\

Suggestions/Bugs / Re: Money Awards Of Teams And Players In League
« on: October 12, 2011, 10:57:12 AM »
One problem I can see with regards to player prices (although im all for it), is that there is a tendency to see players from the winning teams dominating the lists. It seems player ratings are too closely related to the match results. But I do not have enough data to say this for a fact.
You are right about that. But that really is not a fact. You can have a best average rating or scorer if you are 3th in your league. And you should get awarded for that.
Does anyone else think the same?

Suggestions/Bugs / Re: Money Awards Of Teams And Players In League
« on: October 12, 2011, 10:51:28 AM »
Read rules before writing, please. There are league prizes at chapter 23 of game manual.
We haven't got any prices for best scorer , assist leader etc... I think , they could be when we have more active users. And You wanted to much for individual  effort of player . 10 k G it is enough, in my opinion ( only for the winner).
That's why I wrote "I am not sure" :) And with 200,000G you can't even improve you stadium quality to bad. (you should have a best player of the year for 3 seasons for that) And I read game manual now - ty, if someone didn't know:
Top Level   1,000,000 G   750,000 G   600,000 G
level 2   550,000 G   400,000 G   300,000 G
level 3   350,000 G   250,000 G   200,000 G
level 4   250,000 G   150,000 G   100,000 G
level 5   200,000 G   125,000 G   100,000 G
level 6   150,000 G   100,000 G   75,000 G
level 7 and below   100,000 G   60,000 G   40,000 G for first, second and third place,
but I still think that 10k and only for best player is really ridiculous... What is the purpose of all that AWARDS if you are not awarded?

Suggestions/Bugs / Money Awards Of Players In League
« on: October 12, 2011, 10:11:56 AM »
I am not sure how much money do you get when you finish the league at the first place? Award should be symbolic but also significant for the team who won the league. Also the team with best players (overall, scorer, assist leader... ) should get money for best play in their league. 
My suggestion is:
-Players should have at least 200,000G for the best player, goal scorer, assist...  second 150,000G, third 100,000G

 In that case wining and playing the game have a lot more sense and team can make progress only with great games and tactics (not only from selling players - that's like spamming for me)
If you agree with me, thumbs up! :) If you have any other suggestions for amount of money lets talk about it here..
I would also like to see admin opinion about this. TY

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