Author Topic: Suggeestions - Some ways to reward active managers  (Read 1714 times)


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Suggeestions - Some ways to reward active managers
« on: August 31, 2011, 01:45:50 AM »
As some users already realized, the unnactive newbie user problem is between us again, to be honest, i don't have trouble that newbies join the game (in fact, it would be great face 16 active managers in a season), but all of us knows that registered users that become active are just a few......

..... however, i think the main problem with those unnactive managers is that it takes too much time to turn them into weaken teams, meanwhile, any newbie can face an active manager without making a single change or set a tactic, a team just created is more than enough to make you have a bad time during a league.

I believe it's time to reward those managers that enters the game often, does club activities, upgrade facilities and search a way to do their teams stronger, or at least to give them the chance to face unnactive new users with some advantage.

To be honest, it's quite frustrating see new users asigned to a higher ranked division, having more chances than an older user should already have, not only in rank terms, also in finances, somebody that doesn't log or makes it once per month receives the same G than i do in sponsoship and will get more G when they'll award prizes from league position......... it's even more frustrating share matches with game chat (argentinian managers uses game chat during matches, we've created a good community there), sometimes an active lost against somebody that didn't even set shirt numbers, there's not fairness there at all.

At the begin of season, i said "ok, here i go again, i need to get more income, in D division i don't have a minimum attendance, so, let's start upgrading my museum", it went ok, gradually, i started to upgrade my stadium while it was filling, i had about 10.000 attendance in last league matches, but, last week, 9 newbies joined my league..... now, WTF should i do with my 10k stadium? Since their rank point are almost none, those newbies won't help me fill my stadium at all! Should i degrade it and reduce seats? It makes no sense, i can't even do a financial prediction with them, it's crazy!

Now, to be honest, i believe i'm going to win my league, even if 9 of 12 remaining matches are against unactive newbies, i've plenty points advantage (leading my league with 18 wins in a row, my follower has 13 less points and the third one is 17 points away), but some managers aren't that comfortable, would be fair a newbie takes their promotion? I don't think so......

That's why i would like to propose those changes in game, i believe would help a lot to those managers that spend time here, and will force newbies to do things right, i hope you consider them.

* Sponsorship income should be different if you're active: Let's say a manager that logs at least twice per week (to set his team before a league match) receives more than current 50k G, those who log once every 2 weeks receives 50k sponsorship, and unnactive managers receives about 20k. With this change, an active manager has more chances every week to improve their team, if you don't care about your team, you shouldn't receive a full sponsorship income, that's what i believe.

* Set a minimum attandance in lower ranked divisions: You can't do a financial prediction without losing some G if during half season, 9 teams without rank points have been added to my league, now i don't know what to do, why? Because there's not a minimum barrier in attendance terms, active users would at least know what to expect, i have finished 10.250 seats 1 week ago (previously it was 10.000) and suddenly i'm losing money with my stadium, if attendance is 70% set by my rank and 30% with my rivals, suddenly attendance will be about 8.000  it doesn't makes sense! You shouldn't change game scenario at halfseason, there's not fairness at all! I'm talking about 20.250G less than expected per week, it's 2.250 bad level seats i must maintain without a reason..... why?!?!

* Stamina recovery rate should change, depending fitness center: I believe that current 3 stamina point per day is ok if you're an organized team, but at the begginning, new teams should have a very bad fitness center (currently a new manager doesn't have one) and, if you want your players recover faster, they should have better gim, something like this:

Very bad level: 1 stamina point recovered per day
Bad level: 2 stamina points recovered per day
Okay level: 3 stamina points recovered per day
Good level: 3 stamina points recovered per day - no penalty in specific fitness training

With this scheme, an active user can handle player's energy, because anyone can do substitutions during a match, set some subs to play a match and do some recovery activities, and upgrade facilities, so you could avoid stamina penalties, an unnactive would start to be penalized before 3 league matches unnactive (would loss 27 points in 3 league matches and recover 10, he'd be in less than 92%).

* Number of promoted youth players should increase if academy level is higher: A player that logs everyday and someone than enters the game once per season, just to make sure he's got enough money to buy a player from his main squad (AKA cheater) can promote 7 players from youth player academy, why don't change that number? In real life, those teams that invest more money in youth team development have a higher scouting and more capacity training young talent, why not reflected in GKO?

Very Bad Academy: 5 youth players promoted
Bad Academy: 6 youth players promoted
Okay Academy: 7 youth players promoted

7 players promoted is enough IMHO, not even Barcelona promotes so many players from La Masia in one season.....

* We can get some advantage in home games, what about away games? I must admit it, i took this idea from another online manager, but  it's quite great..... could you add team bus between club facilities? Upgrading your team bus, your team performs better in away matches, of course, just give it 2 or 3 levels at most, so, a team with a great stadium can still has his advantage, even if rival match has a great bus, meanwhile, active managers can still have some advantage against unactive users in away matches.

* Increase incomes from club facilities: Of course, to improve facilities, we need more money, and to cover maintenance fees too! Incomes from facilities are minimum, if spend 250.000G in a bad level megastore would be worth, more people would make it, right now, every upgraded facility at bad level takes 20 weeks to cover (without calculating maintenance fees, 3.000G per week), it doesn't have much sense invest in it, if we could get more REAL profit from them, people would improve their facilities too.

There's one more benefict from those changes that i didn't menction before: if people start to believe upgrading facilities is worth, and login often  is rewarded, people would stop making that "persian player market", because an active manager would feel he can progress without a buy/sell circle and other managers would stop buying useless players, and focus more in club development instead.

Sorry it took me so long, but it was some ideas i had in mind that i believe might help to cover some core problems GKO has, what do you believe?
My team: Club Atlético Talleres (95928)

Brian Clough

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Re: Suggeestions - Some ways to reward active managers
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2011, 03:36:27 AM »
Very VERY good suggestions, mate! Here's my comments on your ideas

1.Might we solve this problem by getting rid of automatic "sponsorshipping" all together and replace it with "sponsor offers" that randomly arrive (such as in private mail, or as a small notice) but which must be acted upon in a short time-frame (a few days). If not acted upon, then it gets offered to another team at random, and so on until someone takes it. Then active managers can push the button and accept the sponsorship. Better yet, make each sponsorship temporary (1-3 seasons, nonrenewable) and just cap the amount available for the whole league, relative to the avg rating of all clubs (outliers excluded). This way, users who are most active will inevitably accumulate the most sponsorships, though infrequent users will probably be able to grab a few, too.

2. IF we're going to add teams to a league mid-season, they should receive the average rank points for the league, so as not to have this kind of effect. It would be great to then have these young clubs' ratings react more sensitively than established clubs, at least for a few seasons.

3. Totally agree, so long as the recovery rates are affected by player determination too

4. Agree 100% Maybe even go from 3 or 4 at very bad quality to 7 max. This game doesn't need more worthless players than are already being cranked out.

5. Team bus, what a cool idea! 2 or 3 levels for sure, but couldn't we then upgrade to a team airplane  (1 or 2 levels), too?

6. The only one I'm on the fence about. I do know that I think that revenue from the bar, hotel, and megastore should NOT be the same at each level irregardless of other factors, particularly the total number of attendees, which would be increased by playing friendlies, cup matches, and the WCL. Maybe we should use the existing amounts as baseline figures that would be modified by these factors. The current figures could be for a team that plays 1 league match per week plus one or two cup games in an unmodified stadium. If your total attendance was 3 times that (e.g. top level team with stadium twice as big with 1.5 times as many games [2 x 1.5 = 3]), then you'd earn 3 times the baseline amount. Just a thought.

Thanks for your great ideas!
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Re: Suggeestions - Some ways to reward active managers
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2011, 05:37:09 PM »
Thanks for your ideas.
I've sent your ideas to the team.


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Re: Suggeestions - Some ways to reward active managers
« Reply #4 on: July 05, 2023, 12:27:34 PM »


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Re: Suggeestions - Some ways to reward active managers
« Reply #6 on: October 05, 2023, 02:23:42 PM »


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Re: Suggeestions - Some ways to reward active managers
« Reply #8 on: December 11, 2023, 10:49:22 PM »
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Re: Suggeestions - Some ways to reward active managers
« Reply #9 on: January 05, 2024, 07:22:55 AM »


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Re: Suggeestions - Some ways to reward active managers
« Reply #10 on: March 03, 2024, 10:27:29 PM »