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Messages - Ruta

Pages: 1 ... 17 18 [19] 20 21 ... 54
Need help ? / Re: Youth Academy
« on: August 29, 2013, 04:12:38 PM »
The time when LA 10 was special are gone. NOw LA 11+ are extraordinary

 IMHO to focus on  only one side is a wrong way. Even without changes at engine team with high USP can face team with higher ASP and loose. 

Poland / Re: Typer - Sezon 9
« on: August 29, 2013, 09:42:59 AM »
A to sie wyrownało, a teraz ciezka kolejka do typowania !
Sokół Wola    0 vs 2   KS Targówek
leningrad   1  vs  2  FC Trance 2010
Torcida Hooligans 0   vs    1 The Magpies
F.C. Chelsea Londyn  1  vs   1  FC Kabacki
Katastrofa   0 vs   4 Ruta Best
Vulture Squad  2  vs  1  Empire
Perfeko  0  vs  4  Dynamit Warszawa
AC GDAŃSK 3    vs  0  RLU Squad

Poland / Re: Typer - Sezon 9
« on: August 26, 2013, 10:47:36 AM »
Ruta Best 4-0 AC GDAŃSK
Empire 2-0 Perfeko
Dynamit Warszawa 1-0 Vulture Squad Jka Waldo zechce to moze sie zamurowac.... mocno zamurowac
RLU Squad 1-0 Katastrofa
KS Targówek 1-0 F.C. Chelsea Londyn
FC Trance 2010 0-0 Torcida Hooligans
The Magpies 2-0 leningrad
FC Kabacki 2-0 Sokół Wola


Usunąlem dopiske do Twojego meczu, gdyż byla niestosowna//H.

Suggestions/Bugs / Re: Problem with acces to Custom Cup
« on: August 23, 2013, 09:13:58 PM »
Thanks, mine  friends got acces to mine custom cup:)

Poland / Re: Oficjalny wątek reprezentacji
« on: August 23, 2013, 09:12:46 PM »
poprawione na Kozika. A z AMRem to mam mały problem bo Neumann nie wygląda gorzej niz Zieliński czy Kozik. Będę ich sprawdzał, dzis Kozik z Neumanem zagrali po 45 minut i Neumann zagrał duzo lepiej!

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: Questions & Answers
« on: August 23, 2013, 08:48:07 AM »
hI ;)

So if i understood it well, an AML playing FL will have no more penalties ( & be considering in the pressing too )... ( right ? )
What about a ML ? Or a MLgreen AML grey/green or yellow ?
What about a FC playing FL or FR ?
AMR/AML never had penalties when played FL/FR. FC and others had and still have .

( Did anyone tried the 4-3-3 since the reform ? is it more effective than before ? )
IMHO now 433 line up is less effective then in the past, cause in general is hard to find FL/FR good in press more or stand off more.

Suggestions/Bugs / Problem with acces to Custom Cup
« on: August 23, 2013, 06:22:36 AM »
Since 2 days two of my friend can't join to Custom Cup created by me. Do anybody have this problem?  This is  it UTD 13 (3408), I realized that no others people sent application since 2 days , either.

Carlos, I always had doubts about loans, I dont liked it. Now I think that loans are almost as evil as tokens :( I hate it now


You can get NORMAL players with that method too, loan is not the problem, the whole system is the problem.

But when you buy player there is an auction, method is bad but ist still ana auction. A buyer have to pay the most combined  wage and G if want to buy. At loans all is happene beside the scene. Someone give tokens , somoene get. This is corruption system, I can siad eveil system which learn people to cheat!

In the way i look at it, many STUPID people is paying to farm somebody else's player, those players must return to former teams next season, who do you guys think will be the real winner? :P
I am trying to say that there are adventages for teams who get loan player. They can win something or just avoid relegation.This situations means that they get money becuase of league price , match ticket ( higher legue more attedance) and rating grow . I am sure you know what I mean. They have buy time to develop own youth or just to collect money for player thay needs.

i don't see that as a problem unless the buyer could turn token into G, please explain me the problem.
There is some ways to transform tokens into G , I know that you know it , too. Some examples: change youth in academy for tokens instead of 300 k G, do Fittness recovery program with credts ( 1 token =3 credits) instead of energy which can be use to get G from Club activity.

PS, I hate loans cause this is the easiest way to help friend to reach his goals!!! As I said it many times, this is personal game not a gruop action!

Carlos I don't know if you don't see this problem or just don't want to see. I can find many egzamples when loan players is goos for club which get them. I can also find some ver evil things connected woth this issue. More evil when real money are in use !

@Carlos, please!!! In Poland we had several offers to buy players for tokens!!! Yes, I know that you talked about possibility by game but for me it is now. I send a lot massage to buy players for g buy no one want to sell stars. I am sure that with tokens or real money I can buy what I want!

Q Marctiello. I put him just to know how many people want player for token

Yaah, We should make an auction on eBay or something ,lol

So we see that Staff do nothing with this. I have a solution for this. We should put players on loan with personal bank account,lol If/when money omit GKO owners they do something for sure :)

Poland / Re: Typer - Sezon 9
« on: August 22, 2013, 11:55:33 AM »

RLU Squad 0:2 Ruta Best                         przewiduje autobus w bramce RLU
Empire 0:2 Dynamit Warszawa               jak ozdrowieje Prihoda to 0-4
Katastrofa 0:2 AC GDAŃSK
Perfeko 0:2 Vulture Squad
FC Kabacki 1:1 KS Targówek
FC Trance 2010 0:2 The Magpies
Sokół Wola 0:1 F.C. Chelsea Londyn
Torcida Hooligans 1:1 Leningrad


so why u didnt win?    contradiction much? at least i m not winning
The issue is not about who will win but how! If there is possibility to loan 2 players because of real money it have no stick to real / fair competition anymore :(

Poland / Re: Oficjalny wątek reprezentacji
« on: August 22, 2013, 08:35:33 AM »
Po uzgodnieniu z Adastamem , postanowilismy ograniczyc liczbe trenowanych juniorów i pograc wieksza liczba starszych pilkarzy zeby łapali doświadczenie.
Iwan - Franczak, Sobiech,Olczyk, Dudek - Wożna , Badowski, Zielonka,Zieliński - Biliński , Drozdowski na zmianach Tokarz, Janas i Kozik
Kurkowski na razie bez gray bo expa i tak ma duzo, a przydatny jest tylko w taktyce z DMC , którego jescze nie mama ( Gliszcz się robi). Ma za mało markingu i obcina sie jako obrońca w pojedynkach indywidualnych   :( Ja go widze tylko w taktykach z ofensywnymi skrzydłami.
Flis-Czopek, Grzesiak, Jaroszewski,.........- Gliszczynski, Urbański, Mróz, Nadolski, Szweda, Tabaka, Lisiecki, Abramczyk-Gaska, Dziegielewski

pozostali powolai piłakrze to tylko zapychacze miejsca w skladzie. Jak sie pojawia nowi to bedzie ciezko ich upchnac. Chociaż moim zdaniem tylko 10 i wiecej bedziemy rozwazac. No moze GK 8+ tez.

Jak beda bany czy kontuzje to grac beda ci co byli juz wczesniej ogrywani : Śniegowski, Ostrowski, Figura czy Bączek

Gdybym ja wybieral najlepszy polski skład ( NT +U21 ) na przyszły sezon , czyli finały seniorów to :
GK- Iwan, Flis
DL- Franczak,Stawski
DR Dudek, Kurkowski.
DC Sobiech,Olczyk, Grzesiak, Jaroszewski,
DMC Gliszcz
MC Bobieński,Badowski, Urbański
AMC - nie bedzie jescze , Mróz potrzebuje 3 sezonów
ML/AML Szweda, Woźna,Janas
MR/AMR Zieliński,Kozik a moze Neumann
FC Drozdowski, Gaska,Biliński,

I polish games training looks normal so Admin had to make a mistake. Maybe with age and decline of PR , too


- Appearances in a match (play for more than 30 minutes) help a player improves his skills.
The amount of improvement depends on his rating and his progress rate. The improvement from appearances in a match

Is it a mistake or correct? Is it means that player with rating 9 get more  training then other with 5? If it is true better way is to play in lower league , get more wins then go promoted and get many looses!

In every online game LOANS of something resoulted with abuse and cheating same will hapen in GKO LOAN should be removed and effort concentrated on other things, tactic options implementing new options like dmc out fc inn , new users to get teams faster, camps which are great failure to this day............
I always said it!!!

Use More Roaming and Use Stick To Position

Short term debt is not a problem. But there should be a time limit  i. e. 4 weeks to reach balance. After that a few thee bests players should go on transferlist by value of them. And so on until  cash balance will be safe.

De Glen , I saw that 5/9/4 defender from Hungary. IMHO he is still good buy. He has bought by 1 mln and has wage 26 k when basic was about 3,5. So he is overpayed by 23 k a weak that gives 20*23= 460 k. He is young and when reach his full potencial he will worth about 3,5 -4 mln on the market. So his buyer still get a lot of money back . And we have to remember that 5/9/4 are worth now 3-4 mln so it wasn't bad investment att all!
But I know wta you are talking about , You just gave bad example. There are so many old players with CA 6-7 and they  going to new owners and never maka a cash back :P
For me more important is that free player should be at CA 6 level ar LA 7 when go on the market and when no one buy them shouldn't return again by 20k. When we have sitation like now  the market is broken and unbalanced :(

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: MANAGING NATIONAL TEAM (PARTIAL)
« on: August 17, 2013, 08:16:14 PM »
Carlos, I am sad that You are atacking when you told your point. More I agree with you that there have to be some limits of active users for NT elections. In Poland we had 33 votes only. I am couries how many was at Malta? This game have no staff to watch many more important things than NT elections. So if there isn't staff watch thre have to be a solid community for that.

Drifter, no offence but I don't think that 10 users are a trust worth community

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