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Messages - Ruta

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General Discussion(English Only) / Re: 30%
« on: December 27, 2013, 01:12:20 PM »
i think it must be a new bug in this season.!!!
Free players who in my team for two seasons:still 20%..
For three seasons:still 40% and not grow...
They all from academy???

So ,are they free players or from academy? Mine players from academy this season are at 80%

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: 30%
« on: December 27, 2013, 12:26:46 PM »
Agree with you, in 2nd season you should get 30%. But in 3rd it  starts probably from 30% and so on 31,32....

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: 30%
« on: December 27, 2013, 12:14:22 PM »
Guys , all is here
The player transfer system will be changed as follows (Launch date : 09/09/2012) :

Buying player will categorised into 2 categories  1. Auction system 2. Free agent

1. A player will remain in the transfer market for 3 days. Team that offer the highest wage for the player, in the mean time, place the bid not less than X % of the highest bid will get the player. (2 offers : wage + bid)

Where x is a random number for each player.

2. A free agent is a player who is eligible to sign with any club. To get a free agent your team has to offer the highest wage for the player. (The player transfer value is 40 times the offered wage)


Transfer fee will be changed as follows :

1. You will receive 35% of the transfer value when selling a newly bought player or newly promoted player. The longer the length that he stay with the team, the lower the transfer fee. You receive at most 80% of the transfer value if he stay in your team long enough.

2. You receive 5% bonus of the transfer value when selling a player, which is promoted from your academy.

Example : player1 promoted from A Club -> Transfer to B -> A receive  80%+5%=85% of the transfer value

3.  Transfer value when selling a free agent depends on the length that he stay with your team as follows :
- 10% of the transfer value for the first season.
- 30% of the transfer value for the second season.
- Use the rule from (1) to determine the transfer value for the third season and so on
Still we can say that all of this should be in Rules not only on forum . As we mentioned may times Apdated Rules are needed ASAP and New User Guide , too

Poland / Re: Top Level
« on: December 27, 2013, 08:16:10 AM »
Mam tez wrazenie ze taksa 2-3-2-3 by dawala duzego powersa :p.


Poland / Re: Top Level
« on: December 26, 2013, 07:24:48 PM »
a sk?d Wy takie info macie?
zadne info, to wynika z premium analizy oraz z  przemy?le? graczy po kilku sparingach

Poland / Re: Top Level
« on: December 26, 2013, 11:44:53 AM »

Poland / Re: Top Level
« on: December 26, 2013, 10:49:41 AM »

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: GKO engine 3.0 - Analysis
« on: December 26, 2013, 08:08:19 AM »
Brian, we don't know if there is something similar to your sugestion in present engine.

But for sure the biggest fail of new engine is broken AM line. So solutions is easy. If AM players would be same strong in attack factors like DM line in defensive it be enough. In another words AM line should contribute in attack like forward. DM line contribute in defense like defenders.

Now I have to play mine wingers as side forwards.
Some people think that looks weird and I must agree with them ,ha ha ha

Need help ? / Re: NeeD Help with my team tactics pleas !!
« on: December 25, 2013, 10:41:06 PM »
Can anyone suggest to me a good tacticsand Team Instructions like stratigies .

I've won 2 Trophies in TOP LEVEL league, but last season lost alot of matches and i still lose in friendly matches because my tactics are not good .

- I have GooD Defenders and midfield players, but i dont have good strikers. so can you suggest to me a good tactic to play with without any strikers .

and who are you ? You dont present yourself . How we can help you if we don't nothing about your team?

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: Match Engine 3.0 - discussion
« on: December 25, 2013, 07:13:35 AM »

If you need to defend, you should play one of these:

think pretty same. line up with all players no higher then M line with 2 FR/L looks most efficient .

If you want to play something more offensive, this is probably the best formation you can use:

The reasons are pretty simple:

* FR and FL have a higher weight in UPM and USM tactics than AMR, AMC and AML, still, using players in the AM line isn't reccomended unless you place them in the F line (that also includes AMC as FC, but your pressing level might be reduced).
* DC and DMC are still key players to get high UZM rates, but using many balanced players in the M line grants you excelent results too, using an AMR, AMC or AML now drops your UZM and doesn't increase your OZM that much, in fact, placing an AMC as MC give you very similar results (if the player can play as both, things are even better).
agree,  but is too little players forward so I think more Fc are is welcome. Where he come from,D line or M line it should depends of oponent line up. Can imagine even 344 line up successful ( with 4 in M line)

Now, what are the bigger losers with these changes? We used to think that AMCs were the main losers, but what about FCs???Only few strikers aside, their OZM tactical rates are mostly low, placing an AMR or an AML as FR or FL is a lot better, their ability to break zonal marking is usually higher, their afs (action finding an oportunity to score) levels are usually similar, they influence in team tactics is higher they and can be used as target man too!
And yes, i know that FCs always had that problem, but there was 6 positions to compensate their low OZM rate, now there are only 2! Could be possible that FCs OZM could be considered with the same weight than MCs? I know that there are many strikers with high OZM rates, but they are unbalanced players mostly (low aerial ability, low strenght, only speedy players without ability to hit float croses) i am sure that more than lots of strikers (90% of total as minimum) have to deal with that trouble now, playing with 2 strikers will surely cause a drastical drop in all team tactics unless you add some OZM only players to play.
Yeah, thay always had that problem so maybe we did  training forwards improperly? Now passing looks same important like finishing!! Frankly speaking it was strange that in old engine forward needed only a few skils to be daedly.
Solution: still think that DM line gives too much to defence , especially when compare how litlle AM line gives to attack

This goes to conclusion , for now before people get well trained FC most of us will play with AMR/L as FR/L.

I dont think so that people can  throw away their FC, especiallly if this not changed :
  from rules :Surroundings affect on player's action as well. Excellent attackers may have a hard time scoring against a packed-in defense. Whereas in contrast, weak attackers may pass through the defense easily if he is outnumbered by the defenders.

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: NEW ME CONCLUSION!
« on: December 24, 2013, 11:11:01 PM »
we have new engine, we NEED 3 MONTH PREMIUM FOR EVERYONE  FOR FREE or old engine back

Something for free? New engine back in 3, 2, 1....  :P
I don't believe, either. But when old engine was introduced all users got 3m premium for free

Nope, match engine 2.0 were added in season 3, premium features came on season 5 for sure, checked after watching my player loan record.
You are right. Now I remember

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: How new engine works!!?
« on: December 24, 2013, 11:09:09 PM »

However this has vitually made specialized AM and DM players obsolete. The old system featured a 100% difference in the tactical "influence" of AM or DM positions compared with M positions. The new system has decreased this to under 7%. I guess the AM is the new M and the DM is the new M too.

no DM has A effect in all defence but AM has half A and half B in attack . In general DM are more efective now then AM.

add. in old system MC, MR/L was uderrated now it looks like AM are .

add. 2. IMHO AM should contribute in OPM and OSM like forwards, so mean green  ( A)

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: NEW ME CONCLUSION!
« on: December 24, 2013, 11:01:03 PM »
we have new engine, we NEED 3 MONTH PREMIUM FOR EVERYONE  FOR FREE or old engine back

Something for free? New engine back in 3, 2, 1....  :P
I don't believe, either. But when old engine was introduced all users got 3m premium for free

PS. I dont understand why here is so many topics about changes? Should be only one

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: NEW ME CONCLUSION!
« on: December 24, 2013, 10:52:27 PM »
- sadly a lot of Managers will not adapt to such HUGE change and will abandon this manager (people like to play strategy games and manager is strategy but do not like too much complication)
Final conclusion:
This is going to be fantastic change and awesome ME but update of post match summary and game rule clarification IS MUST TO HAVE ASAP.

I mentioned before how positions contributed in new engine. Same as your. But quoted words are prophetic. People will quit.
we have new engine, we NEED 3 MONTH PREMIUM FOR EVERYONE  FOR FREE or old engine back

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: How new engine works!!?
« on: December 24, 2013, 10:41:24 PM »
There is somothins strange with UPM and OPM. As we can see in analisys for DMC UPM is green so it is mean 100% but for AMC in OPM is only yellow so mean only 80%.

 It gives that there is easy to press more. when teams are on pretty same level use pres more is always sucsessful

INHO it is bad idea cause AMC and DMC should give the same outcome.

Frankly speaking it is easier to defend in new engine then attack !

Add. same is for DML/R and AMR/L , so it makes even hard to attack

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: How new engine works!!?
« on: December 24, 2013, 11:04:44 AM »
We have game today and tomorrow. Let's see what happened. I will play today with Senniam on MC , rest of players are the same. More all of then are on 91-92 5 of condition. Today opponent is much tough too.

One more thing. I can agree that it looks like strikers have harder to score then in the past. Beside penalty and , freekick all my goals came fromm midfield and defense. But look here against only 3 defs Fc scored 2 and winger 2, too. Maybe new engine has more free space awareness ?

Suggestions/Bugs / Re: [BUG?] Error in team reports?
« on: December 24, 2013, 10:50:33 AM »
I think there is a bug with OZM/OMM. Maybe D and DM values are calculated also at 100% for OZM/OMM and that's the reason for too many red arrows for marking in every match. Or maybe they are implemented new skills for UZM/OZM to balanced it with UMM/OMM but where is admin to explain us  ??? After 2 days he said only "I will check" hohoho  8) I think admin is in Christmas holiday but we still waiting to learn WHAT IS THIS FUCKING NEW ENGINE  >:(

It is bug for sure with UZM ,I think they did not finished a work on it same as with tactic report of next team in premium option.
looks like in opponent team report

sums are counted in old way. When it is compared with new system for own team it makes all this mess.

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: How new engine works!!?
« on: December 24, 2013, 10:38:04 AM »
I agree that it strange result, and I wrote it in match chat. But it is still only one game.
Game when you have been able to make 18 shots and had 61% possession. So only you shot accuracy was bad in this game.

PS. you can't expect from me to explain this cause I have so many question as you . I am not defending new engine . I just wanna to discuss about it. If things don't change as Luca wanted we need to get knowledge of of new engine asap.

PS.2 In old engine I saw many games when strikers have bad day and opposite GK was wonderful.

PS.3 don't be angry but your flexibility wasn't the factor in this game, and you are flexible in players in different positions.

 Now it looks like players need to be flexible in many positions. Yesterday I played old classic lin up with DMC,AML,AMR and AMC and still got one blue arrow in ZM!!! Maybe it was because Senniam is classic MC with pretty very good defending skills , good physical, mental and tactical skills and Eads is all-rounder. Alamgir has amazing physical skills too (teamwork also ). So as you see after one game is hard today something more and with descent confidence.

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: How new engine works!!?
« on: December 24, 2013, 09:39:41 AM »

If this new system doesn't consider other factors, we will have a game filled with teams playing all with the same formation (something tells me that DR, DC, DC, DL, MR, MC, MC, MC, ML, FC will be the perfect formation for this engine) just to get high tactical rates with it. Right now, my team can be far stronger placing a half developed CA4 MR than using a fully developed CA8 AMR, that doesn't make any sense at all

For sure old system DMC with only defensive skills + AMC with only attacking skills doesn't work in new engine. But I don't think so that now 3 MC on the field will be more effective than old DMC +AMC. Last season I go crazy with my DMC who is all-round player that he is too weak cause DMC used to need only defensive skils. Now he play pretty good yesterday. In the same way one sided AMC, AML/R were superior in past engine. They used to need only speed and ball control. Now I think they should be more physical, tactical and mental.

As I can agree that there is a lot changes  I can't agree with
GKO engine will lose one of the greatest things it had to offer: unlimited tactical options.
. There is a lot new option but many users have improper players for that.

Changes was announced as rebalanced positions only but this is completely new environment!!! This is revolution not evolution.
And the most of us is unprepared for new engine. As we mention it many times information from Admin are too rare and short and unclear. Changes like this should be announced 2-3 seasons before launch cause training new player takes so much time.

Admin,Dev. and designers should now:
1.Reload server to old engine.
2.start season 10 again. and test new engine during season 10
4.Inform everybody two weeks before new season 11 about details in new engine (tested and final good one).

Keep this season for testing and improving few times new engine could be disaster.
1,2,4  is right
about 3 I think engine is working as was planned. There is a bug with display statistics after the match for sure, but it doesn't affect geme result

Suggestions/Bugs / Re: [BUG?] Error in team reports?
« on: December 23, 2013, 06:35:09 PM »
I have noticed another bug in this system

FR/L press tactics (UPM/USM) are GREEN, same as DL/R and DMs!!!

FR/L press tactics should be YELLOW at most! Even MC/ML/MR press tactics are yellow.

Thinks same  :) should be yellows

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: How new engine works!!?
« on: December 23, 2013, 05:06:29 PM »
It is bug for sure with UZM ,I think they did not finished a work on it same as with tactic report of next team in premium option.
looks like in opponent team report sums are counted in old way. When it is compared with new system for own team it makes all this mess. Thankfully it look like it don't affects results

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: How new engine works!!?
« on: December 23, 2013, 02:20:04 PM »
I think this game still have display bugs. My ZM is not that bad to show 4 red arrows.
I think it's still the same code as you see the total of grade in "next match report", the incorrect calculated.

Maybe it needs to be rebalaned, who knows? I haven't played matches so far, but watching so many red arrows in the last hours tells me this is might not be right at all.
Well, another change added without some previous testing... somebody surprised? I just can't believe how i could be so naive expecting a real change a season ago... i regret to have spending money in an extra year as premium user.  :(
It is all about passing. There are lot of defs which have good passing which affected OZM very much. In other side I don't see any Fc or AMC with tackling or positioning.

add: matches looks like things not change as much as many people think.

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: How new engine works!!?
« on: December 23, 2013, 01:42:19 PM »
why? tell me more cause I think that now is more balanced and I explained above why :P

I think Ruta here wins the prize for the #1 supporter of the unannounced new engine :P
ha ha ha cause people always complaining before try to understand. GKO was not easy game from the beginning : bad game manual, bad feedback from staff, unexpected changes and so on ... :P

information about the engine is indeed needed.

Just played my friendly, and had 4 red arrows with zone marking, when with same team last season i would have had around 1-2 blue one's.
Sadly, because of lack of information, i don't know why it has dropped so badly
agree looks like in new engine is harder to get descent ZM then before. But I think it is not bad. for me it was too easy to have very good ZM because 4 defenders have 3 excellent skills: positioning, acceleration and tackling. Now all players contribute in ZM.

@ Rincewind
in my analsys it looks that ZM afected more in new angine then OZM. It looks like defs have better OZM then atackers ZM. As I said above . it is harder to get descent ZM now

So Marking should be dropped by the game. Everyone we will be by Default Marking!!!
You can be right, but for UPM or USM or USP it was always like that :) Now users should think twice befere set the way of defense. Before it was obvious. Perfect changes, don't you think? lol

PS. I think I can still choose ZM for many matches :)

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: How new engine works!!?
« on: December 23, 2013, 01:38:27 PM »
This update the engine changes ,makes the game unbalanced.
why? tell me more cause I think that now is more balanced and I explained above why :P

PS. I don't think that there is no bugs in this engine, this is GKO only :p But idea looks good

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: How new engine works!!?
« on: December 23, 2013, 01:35:00 PM »
Anyway folks fyi as long as you keep supporting the game nothing is going to change. Without profit they'll either start being active to win us back or close/sell the game which might actually be for the best taking into account the carelessness last few seasons.. maybe something is wrong with me , but I like this season changes :) At least AMC, AML and AMR now have some disadvantages . I past they had only pros- gave to attack and didn't participate in defense. So it went to situation when line up without MC, MR/Ml were superior , extreme example Thai U21 who plays 2 DMC and 2 AMC sometimes or even Argentina with their amazing Sandoval on AMC who was key man to win WC tree times. Now users need to balance their line-ups , IMHO

I was not referring to the changes. We don't have clear intel on what's changed so you can't say that you like them for sure. It might add more depth to the game and I myself am always looking forward to that. My comment was on the overall behavior of staff and how they don't intend to change anything about it either and for me personally It's annoying how they are getting profit without giving the necessary feedback to the users for that.
the changes are pretty clear, the analysis  shows how much each position give to each settings. We don't know how it affected matches only  .  But results looks pretty normal, don't you think ?

In GKO we never have known about match engine. So don't expect much info from Admin now

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