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Messages - Ruta

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yeah, I can agree to that :)

No no no. It depends on situations. If you are weaker you need to think about defense and midfield first. Make good possesion is the best idea not to loose :) IMHO is better o have  good attack on one side ( R/C/L) then 3 times weak. If you feel very strong at defense you can be adventure as me and try to play 4 F ,lol

Yes, FL/R give 100% to UPM and USM when AML/R only 80%. In generall I use side forwards to cope with many defs  I face usually :P
 There is a discuss if FR/l gives same to possesion as AMR do but IMhO lonely side forwards on wing gives a lot space for opponet players at this side. So I find some disadventages for play with 4 F :P

I think is obvious against two  Fc two DC is  very good option but  if there are not any opponent wingers three Cd is the best

3 dc is generally worst by almost all users. Buy I played many times with Dl,Dc and DR only, with support from DMC. I heard that is crazy many times but it works form me in new engine too :) look here, I expected packed in defense and 1 fc. In fact there were FC and FL but my defence coped very well still. 3 defs allowed me to put more men forward which gave me possiblilty to brake opponent defense.

 I don't understand your question, why you want to put limits to your team? You should have DL for sure . There are will be situattions when you need 4 defs and 3 defs in different  configurations. It all depends on your opponent. IF he play with lonely striker you don't need 3 CD naturally ( as in example above). But when you face against opponent with great wingers you will need fullbacks for sure. I find new engine very sensitive with free spaces and number of players in area. So you should think carefully where you put your players in line up. New engine gives it stright : more men more power. When you put more defs your defens rise but your others side  fall down. This is yours choice now how you want to play and have to predict what your opponent will do.

So one basic line up like old engine is bad idea for me at all.

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: no improvement
« on: January 15, 2014, 10:41:07 AM »
player skill
skill 6-13  (1skill = 1point)
skill 13.01-15   (1skill = 1.5points)

But isn't that rule is for GK skills? Decisions, Jumping and Positioning are outfield skills, as far as i know they behave different

skill 6-15  (1skill = 1point)
skill 15.01-17   (1skill = 1.5points)

Am i wrong?
and what about mental skills? In Poland Elcura  made some study and can't find the way with mental skills.

Poland / Re: Typer -Sezon 10
« on: January 14, 2014, 07:13:59 PM »

The big problem here is that we still have no real clues about many things about this engine:
In the way i look at it, using AMR/AML does NOT have any posession advantage, they only reduce pressing rates, but there's no penalty using FR/FL, posession is same IMHO.
I think possession is higher with AML/R then FL/FR

@Ruta: game manual is filled with flaws, it never were reliable at all:

It says attacking formations grants ball posession: it actually meant attacking STRATEGY, with old engine, i heve seen teams dominating using only 4 players between AM and F players.
Sadly I have to agree, Rules are not fully correct. You found it correct, it is about strategy not formation.
Game manual also used to claim that "having many midfielders wasn't a good idea", and the best formation was using 6 midfielders (DMR/DMC/DML/AMR/AMC/AML), funny huh? They actually meant that using many M players wasn't a good idea :)

maybe I am wrong,but in my opinion in the past the "AMC" had more power than he should, in the real football the ofensive midfielder(AMC) he is not very involved in the defensive so is natural that a team that uses only one midfielder,or one defensive midfielder  to be weaker in defensive than one that uses 2 midfielders (2MC or 2DMC)  . if you use AMC and 2 FC is normal to be a litle bit fragile in defensive. the AMC is not "dead" but his efficiency is (or should be) affected by his teammates. I think is normal to be risky to use a 4 3 1 2 setting. in real football the AMC is used the most in 4 2 3 1 or 4 4 1 1.
Thank you very much :) I thought that I am only black sheep :)  I think same as you. At old engine AMC was so much overpowered , now is just midfielder as others. It used to be that DMC +AMC line up gives only advantages ( M lines was some disadvantages in old engine ) . In new engine AMC is count as any other MC but plays higher on the pitch.

i think first we need to rebalance the AM line and then we can talk about new is not fair to kill a position ( AMC )...with the new engine you can pull AML/AML to FR/FL but what about AMC...all you can do is to play him on MC position decreasing your UZM level when in the other case playing AML/AMR on position FR/FL you have only to win, increasing you UPM level.
I am playing AMC and FL/FR a lot this season and I can tell that AMC is still very usefull, for sure AMC is not death. About FL/FR instead AML /AMR I can tell that there are disadvantages. FL is not midfielder, it is forward so he don't give possession in this meaning which give real MC or even AMC. There is still the rule:
Factors affecting ball possession.

1. Team formation affects ball possession - Attacking formations tend to let your team have more ball possession than defensive formations. Midfielder is the position that affects ball possession the most. However, having too many midfielders isn't a good idea.
.  I played many times with 4 forwards , but for sure it is not good idea for teams without strong midfield and defense.

In old engine  playing AMC was obvious  it was always the best for team, at new engine we need use AM line on purpose. When I have to have more possession I will play AM line for sure.
In new engine the best thing is that there is no the best and only right line up as was in old one ( as DMC +AMC - without MC was). Now we can choose if  we want more possession or more power in attack or build strong defense all we need to do is just move some players up or down . I saw many examples when 451 with AMC beat 433 with Fl,FC, FR just because of more possession.

Now team plays as we want not as engine think. In old we can put 5 defs and if one of them was weak defense was weaker then when we use 4 but stronger ( extremely even 3!!). Now if we put 5 the defense will be stronger for sure. Now the new rule is: more players more power in the area.

More I think that there is no Holy Grail about this engine like was in old one ( play without M-line). Now team performance depends more on chosen line up. In old engine my preparation to game was always the same, I used to try make my coefficients high as possible cause I knew that opponent couldn't change much. Now I need to predict how he will play cause he can easily rise his defense or attack or possession a lot. IMHO now we think more about other team then we used to.

Back to topic.
IMHO we don't need new position, we can make AMC as deep lying forward as well or Fc as well. AMC need more shooting skils : finish, LS;  FC more playmaking: pass, creativity

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: no improvement
« on: January 14, 2014, 07:27:08 AM »
Player stop at CA=7.077
GK stop at CA=5.866

There are many secrets in GKO
It is funny that again and again someone gives answers without large case study. One ore even few examples is not enough  to say something with 100% sure. I remember in Hattrick community to say something for sure made a hundreds examples and them soothing was known for sure:)
But for me what the difference is 5,4 or 5,866 and 7 or 7,077?

Agree, Amc performs worst but as should . At the begining I thought that thay will much worst but they are still usefull.

Yeah I am playing FR/FL to have more attacking line up. As I said more players more power :)

Mmmm so hard to say, we really know how this new engine really works...
I rather say that analisys doesn't give strict answers :P I see that with diffrent line up there are difrent sums. But when we divide them in that way we agreed results are different. I mean higher sum doesn't give better result . I relized taht for me the best it 4114 with DMc and MC. Still will play many line ups but I will choose where I want to be stronger by sacrifice in another

with the new match engine what do you prefer in the tactics to have a good midfielder or a good defensive midfielder.
it depends on how a player is: old system DMC need only defensive skills for new engine need more technical abilities, As I said begore new engine is more logical, if you move players upfield your attack increase but defense fall down and other rule -where you have more players you are stronger. This is the biggest change and positive thing in new engine
 So if you have good DMC you can use him properly and with mc too. New engine has no overpowered positions like AMC in old one

Poland / Re: U21- c.d.
« on: January 11, 2014, 11:09:30 AM »  Najdro?si Polacy, najlepsi z potencja?em z pola i najlepsi z potencja?em na GK- stan na 11 stycznia 2014 r.

Poland / Re: Typer -Sezon 10
« on: January 09, 2014, 09:47:23 PM »

Need help ? / Re: Player injuries
« on: January 08, 2014, 07:02:44 AM »

I do play with hard tackling, so question, what does everyone else play with, normal or hard? And if playing with normal, how big of an impact would that be to the defending?
You have answered already. I am playing just few games with normal tackling , all others with easy. Hard tackling makes more injuries and cards for sure. Second answer is that to defending hard tackling has low impact to defense , it gives a little to possession only. IMHO 1-5%.

Need help ? / Re: Player Wage
« on: January 07, 2014, 09:52:26 AM »
Calm down :) You should be happy that you made them so fast. A wage is bonded strict to players quality. So they are much better now . Good for you, don' t you agree?

Poland / Re: Typer -Sezon 10
« on: January 07, 2014, 08:08:35 AM »

But i still wondering which skills should my players should train:All Mental skills to >12 or main skills like Finishing or Passing,Crossing etc to 20
[/b] For me training only few skills so high is making very one side player. With limited potential you can't do some 20 and some medium. I prefer do all- rounded players which give more option when setting tactics :)

Poland / Re: Typer -Sezon 10
« on: January 02, 2014, 02:06:54 PM »


with this formulas the only thing you get is relieve the game spirit converting a football game in a simple mathematic problem, as I said yesterday, the fault is as always from admin that gives a lot of data for sell a stupid premium account that kills the game.
I agree with you that pay for win in this game is too far :(  But new engine is better then old cause :
When we look close to the statisc we can see that now your attack and defence depends how much players you have below or above MC line. In old engine you can move 1or even 2 up and your atack diddn't rise. All used to  depend on power of your players . Now if you will move players forward , no matter how strong they are , your attack must rise. In this way new engine is great, logic and more realistic.Now preperation for a match are more strategic, we need to choose how will opponent play and can beat them by idea not power of players.[/color] It was impossible in old engine by some simple  moves of players.
Now is easier to take right decisions, even if you haven't got analisys. If you want to attack you need more players higher, if you want to defend you need more defenders , more MC more possesion. It is stright way. not like in the past when if player was on lower level then others in formation your numbers go down in analisys . It was ridicoulus for me.

;)for what I have seen apart from the various speeches made ??tactical above (and I congratulate both with carlos that with others who do this work very articulated and detailed! ..) from this new game engine using more or less the same old tactics is much more rewarded the number of players behind the line of defensive midfield closures (pressure) than in the past, the contrasts are much more effective and the Random is the most present of the past .... this of course will not that favor the team who defend themselves and, in particular, the bot with the 442 will become more grim to break up ... to sum it ... trying to reduce the gap between high-level team and those who have less power, take up these my statements with pliers but frankly I'm not very happy with these changes ..
U saw this some times on this forum and I have new thoughts (aspecially with bolded line). When we look close to the statisc we can see that now your attack and defence depends how much players you have below or above MC line. In old engine you can move 1or even 2 up and your atack didn't rise. All used to  depend on power of your players . Now if you will move players forward , no matter how strong they are , your attack must rise. In this way new engine is great, logic and more realistic. I was afraid that there will be many teams with packed in defence which I can't brake, now I am sure I can. Now preperation for a match are more strategic, we need to choose how will opponent play and can beat them by idea not power of players. It was impossible in old engine by some simple  moves of players.
Back to bot. They are predictable at 100%  So if you can win battle for possesion with them ( should be still easy cause of their low condition) you are probably winner. To have more chances you can move 1 Dc forward an you will get them easily:)

AGAIN , now we need to bet about how opponent did his line up cause it is crucial now.

Poland / Re: Typer -Sezon 10
« on: December 30, 2013, 09:43:49 AM »

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: Match Engine 3.0 - discussion
« on: December 27, 2013, 06:57:47 PM »
International U21 match played with UZM, and get 4 BLUE stars ...

Things back to normal, or does NT matchs go with the old ME ?
Bug is fixed but I'm curious why admin don't inform us about changes in new ME ??? Maybe he want everyone to purchase premium to learn how work new engine  :-\
Of course they want. That's the world we live in :(

Suggestions/Bugs / Re: condition bug in NT matches
« on: December 27, 2013, 04:16:53 PM »
When teams are on pretty same level draws will be more common I think. But more strange is that result of penalties don' t depends on game performance. In two gAme s i have seen better team lost in shotout

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: 30%
« on: December 27, 2013, 02:56:32 PM »
i just sold a player that i promoted 3 seasons ago and received 82%. they say i was supposed to receive 85%, why the difference? he was loaned last season, but this does not mean he changed owners, i was still the owner, so again, the game is going down the drain...
I had the same. Loaned players when return starts from 80% again :(

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