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Messages - Ruta

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Need help ? / Re: Player injuries
« on: May 11, 2014, 08:16:43 AM »
prone to injure in match should be visible for the owner of a player...
I think that prone to injury has nothing to do with it,it is just random.
My AML prone to injury Hard got 25 days of injury,FC prone to injury Very Hard got 32 days  ::)
weird  :-\
You see prone to injury in training, Luca said in match. There are 2 different factors. Prone to injury in match is hidden.

Need help ? / Re: Player injuries
« on: May 10, 2014, 07:09:41 PM »
Yeah, injuries are paert of football for sure . But why in GKO some teams have 1-2 a season an others 14-15?

PS. I had 2 this already , last season about 10-11.

Poland / Re: U21 Sezon 11
« on: May 05, 2014, 11:11:24 AM »
AMC to we? lepiej moich XD
Bochenski jest juz w NT, Wagner wiekowo juz nie pasuje. Jedno miejsce dla AMC w tej chwili jest , obejrzymy skile Sczotki i Cebuli, wtedy zadecydujemy. Oczywiscie ?e wolelibysmy grajka z polskiego klubu a nie tajladzkiego :)

Ze strony moich prawych to dubicki 9 bedzie mial juz wbita za 2 sezony(ten i nastepny).
Bez wiekszej roznicy czy z wasza pomoca czy bez niej, zas dmr 10 wbije najwczesniej za 4 sezony (w wieku 21 lat akurat pod sezon z u21 wc).
Oprocz tego do konca przyszlego sezonu czopek wbije maxa ca10, Podobnie switala dl bedzie w tym czasie uderzal pod 10 lub zlapie 20.

o budzynskim czy lisieckim nie informuje bo sa za slabi na kadre.

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: Questions & Answers
« on: May 04, 2014, 03:43:24 PM »
Sometimes on forum or in draft speach of player we can read that his PA is for example 7.6 8.5 6.6 etc. How we can check so precisely PA or CA of a player ?  :-\
I know there are users who think they know this exactly but I still think it is approximation ,only :)

Poland / Re: U21 Sezon 11
« on: May 04, 2014, 01:39:48 PM »
Nie widze 17 letniego DR DMR ktory moglby sie ogrywac na u21 ms dalsze (za 4 sez), w sumie pewnie sie znajdzie jakiegos z akademi w nastepnych sezonach lub za 8 tygodni jak raporty poschodza, ale jak cos to bodajze leningrad ma 9/4, jest jeszcze jeden 9/2 z ac gdansk, a ja mam dmr 10/3 i dr 9/4 obaj 17 latkowie.

Poland / U21 Sezon 11
« on: May 04, 2014, 08:12:55 AM »
Witam wszystkich w nowym sezonie
Tutaj Polacy z najwi?kszym potencja?em , stan na 4 maja 2014 r. . Pokazani s? tylko gracze z pola z LA 9+ oraz w drugiej zak?adce GK z La 7+

Tutaj przegl?d graczy pod k?tem przydatno?ci do U21 i seniorskiej NT

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: SUSPICIOUS TRANSACTIONS
« on: May 02, 2014, 11:29:47 AM »
You are rigth  Ruta, but, middlefields are the players more dificult to train, because they need a lot of skills.
Yes I know that M-line is hard to develop :( We always have to choose what is important for us. So somoene want other skills. That why I said your former player Iturbe is worth only 6-8 mln. I need diffrent skils for MC and I think there are others who think as me , so he can't be worth more cause there is less buyers for him.

And I agree with you that others positions are easier to develop and their core of skills are clear for everyone :) So good developed DC or FC is wanted by everyone :)

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: SUSPICIOUS TRANSACTIONS
« on: May 02, 2014, 11:04:57 AM »
Is this player worse than yours?
It is good player, for me worth 5-7 mln not more cause he has some limits. He can dribble buy Agility is low, he can do playmaking but Creativity and Off the ball is low. I find that defending is his the strongest side and he is usefull to counterattacks cuase of his Crossing and Passing. So I think it is rather player when team defend on thr right side  then attack.
Sorry Littmann 2-3 seasons ago he can brake on his side but anymore when faced  top teams.

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: SUSPICIOUS TRANSACTIONS
« on: May 02, 2014, 09:02:08 AM »
 Sopelana is right, finished and experienced players should have same  or higher value as LA. I saw many times players sold at high value and I can tell why.
 I always pay more then looks reasonable. It is all cause this stupid bid system. Simple , when I buy my stars I prefer to pay more money to owner of the player ( who many times was the  only one who want sell) instead of go to wage wars.
I just want to have as low rivals as can to catch a wonderkid.

To have fair situation of transfers we need real auction system. Who give more at the end win . Also this idea should have some basic value of minimal and maximal value when player go on the market. Many games have this system but GKO look no have resources to do it

About this AMC , he is trainable at 100% with NT caps. He is not there cause Italian coaches don't want to waste time with bot player. If he would be mine , I am pretty sure he play in NT.

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: SUSPICIOUS TRANSACTIONS
« on: May 02, 2014, 08:52:04 AM »
Littmann, I don't know your story. But I am talking about players from Best 10 of their positions in proper time. In this case about him he is 5/13/3 at 17 y, and I tell you that for me he is the best on AMc from all youth and in best 10 in all.

My players are CA 9 and more , so I am not intersting in players at same worth or even slight better. LA 11 looks to weak to improve my team in short or even medium time. So rare players like this above has no limited prize for me. This is like real world , you can have many Pedro's or Di Maria's but there is only one Ronaldo and Messi

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: SUSPICIOUS TRANSACTIONS
« on: May 01, 2014, 06:03:04 PM »

Sorry for off topic
Zurisse , sell me him at same price, please :) Not now, I will have that cash at the end od this season. There are a lot people who know nothing about buying stars, I said it before , there no sky for prizes of  they :)

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: SOPELANA IS A HUGE CHEATER!!!
« on: April 30, 2014, 06:11:36 PM »
Looks This club has nagative capacity since Zurisse quited ,I think March. If there would be a bug like it mentioned above  cash balance should be at reach. As we can see there is debt, and I can tell that always was debt since I remember.

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: SOPELANA IS A HUGE CHEATER!!!
« on: April 30, 2014, 10:25:30 AM »
but Sopelana is defitnally more richer if nothing happens all the way, m i right?

Exactly,both users should explain this situation,I think best is to cancel both transfers but without any punishment.For sure something strange happend in Oiartzun...
Interesting, but what we can do if someone give us higher prize? You want to cancel those transfer and tell that is without punishment. When it could be done at once after transfer, it is ok.

But in this case will be punishment for Sopelana cause he could sell those players at a little less price a long time ago. Now he did a lot things and to take him 20 mln it is crazy thing at all.

Back to prizes, there is no sky for extraordinary players. I bought a lot players at the most prize at those times  and I tell you that was really hard to find someone who want to sell their stars. Look records: 4,7,12,23,52.
I expect that will be highest paid at 15 mln, soon. For LA 11+with PR 4+, IMHO

At the end, all mess in GKO comes from no attention from staff. Simple , we don't have any control about behaviors of users in this game.

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: SOPELANA IS A HUGE CHEATER!!!
« on: April 30, 2014, 08:45:35 AM »
Guys, calm down. Those players aren't worth 10 mln but they are really good players. For me 6-8 mln for sure. About Oriatzun Spanish users can tell us more , but I don't think if Txusi is cheater. I expect rather some bad behavior from manager who want to quit and make damage to his unliked rival.

PS . in debt is Oriatzun, who spent 20 mln not recieved

I agree with Sopelana, season 11 is starting after update. First games in leagues always were on Wednesday so I bet that it will be 7th May.

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: Who will win GKO World Cup
« on: April 23, 2014, 07:52:40 PM »
There is an American saying: Attacks wins matches but Defence wins championships. The World Cup stats say that China have the most creative players (Goal Scorers and Assists) and Poland have the best defence (zero goals conceded and the keeper has only had to make 4 saves in 5 games!).
We are afraid what happen when shots come , but in other way are still waiting for assist from our wingers. Lets see what comes :)

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: Who will win GKO World Cup
« on: April 23, 2014, 03:59:32 PM »
I believe China and Poland will meet in the final.
Are you prophet ? I hope so :)

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: Who will win GKO World Cup
« on: April 23, 2014, 01:05:24 PM »
Does noone beliveve the great nation of norway can do it? :)

Neither do I. But there is always a chance.
Argentina will win. They have the better manager imho.
Poland has a great manager , too :)

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: Who will win GKO World Cup
« on: April 19, 2014, 08:23:07 AM » Malaysia  Asystar Alamgir their highest value player, he would play after group stage if go through

like you said, if you also take into consideration buying, the best option remains the transfer market. the camp is too expensive, the academy is crap, if you're not very, very lucky.
e he he I said it 2 seasons ago many times:) Since then I bought some good players but there is no more for me for sale :( No one want to sell LA 11+ players ( on some positions I am looking for 12+ only).

Suggestions/Bugs / Re: Max subtitution in Frendly Match ?
« on: April 17, 2014, 08:00:42 AM »
any difference, 3 subs only

to upgrade but how? I know that all investors want to higher LA but IMHO one thing should change. Age of promoted players should be around 15 .

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: MOTS
« on: April 13, 2014, 08:32:22 AM »
Are You joking ? Or you just want to go others crazy?

You are going from lower divisions , you were never faced real competition where every dirty moves are common.

 I am sure you will change your mind , rather sooner then later, as I did.
 I thought that MOTS are a part of longer strategy but this was in 1st season of MOTS,only . Since that I have seen fixed fixtures by MOTS in Greek, Thai, Bulgarian, Argentinian, Poland Top Level , now you see suspicions of Croatia .

MOTS is an eveil and should be removed. It is rare thing in online games, cause it is coruption isue and need a big control form staff, who we don't have at GKO at all.

Poland / Re: MOTS
« on: April 12, 2014, 09:21:27 PM »

Sezon 11:

- Dynamit
- Ursus
- Ruta Best View Screen Capture i tak nie u?ywam

Suggestions/Bugs / Re: EroR Mini Game indonesia
« on: April 11, 2014, 08:11:09 AM »

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