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Messages - Ruta

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Suggestions/Bugs / Re: my advice
« on: September 02, 2014, 10:37:29 AM »
without fear of bankruptcy and  possibility to lend money I am sure that there will be many people who buy many players just to win their leagues. They will spent g on transfers an wages. So no matter they will  have -100 mln G but have squad that you simple can compete against for many seasons. I am sure you wouldn't be happy with that!

Suggestions/Bugs / Re: my advice
« on: September 02, 2014, 08:17:13 AM »
It can't be. Until there is no real bankruptcy :P

Ask Admin / Re: Please stop these clickheads!
« on: August 26, 2014, 04:19:11 PM »
Spam, you addressed rage in wrong people. Ale bad things in this game begin from lazy staff. So  ask them to nothing more thrn their job!!! For what we pay!!!
We know this bug for many seasons!!!

Poland / Re: U21 Sezon 11
« on: August 26, 2014, 12:55:45 PM »
taksa na Anglie. Spodziewamy sie AMR wiec Tabaka ma bronic i robic posiadanie bo S?owikowski zawieszony.

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: How much does Experience count?
« on: August 26, 2014, 08:16:34 AM »
From my experience I think that 1* of exp gives about 1-1,5 in total level of player i.e. Ca 6 without exp is about 52-54 on very good morale when same player with full of exp is about 62-67.

As I understand you are looking how  exp  affects on each factor in tactics. I don't know anyone who knows exact formula.

I recognition you need this for compare two players from the market or your player to another from the market. So I can tell you that if both players from the market are vary only of exp you should buy that one with higher exp.
If your player has same skills as that from the market you shouldn't buy another.  It will be waste of money. Better way is spent this money on simply better player that you have and use him in many games so his exp will rise. This should you give another profit. You will can sell him at same value or higher despite he will be older :)

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: u21 World Cup
« on: August 24, 2014, 05:08:19 PM »
And you could get worse opponent :P

Poland / Re: U21 Sezon 11
« on: August 24, 2014, 02:49:38 PM »
tak dzis gramy

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: u21 World Cup
« on: August 23, 2014, 11:10:33 AM »
From F ahould be like Brian said:Poland and Hungary. Hungary have really strong defense, good misfield and attack

Poland / Re: U21 Sezon 11
« on: August 23, 2014, 09:43:11 AM »
Po W?grach teraz ju? jest ?atwiej, dodatkowo remis w drugiej parze powoduje ze margines b??du du?y. Dzis zagramy wiec ofensywniej  i dam szanse kilku m?odszym co jeszcze trenuj?. O 14 wrzuce obrazek z taktyk? :)

trzeba ogrywa? nasze rezerwy, bo podstawowe CDeki zagro?one banem a reszta jeszcze  trenuje

Poland / Re: U21 Sezon 11
« on: August 22, 2014, 11:41:22 AM »
tak wyglada taktyka

spodziewamy sie ze zaatakuj? srodkiem. Ma zagramy po skrzyd?ach bo oni sa tam najs?absi

Poland / Re: U21 Sezon 11
« on: August 22, 2014, 10:24:19 AM »

Poland / Re: U21 Sezon 11
« on: August 22, 2014, 06:40:17 AM »
dobra Panowie ( bo Pan tu nie mamy :P)
zaczynamy fina?y
Kadra :

Zaczynamy meczem z W?grami, czyli najtrudniejszy rywal na pocz?tek. Pomys? jaki? jest bo oni powinni zagra? do?? przewidywalnie. Z drugiej strony ryzyko w pierwszym meczu nie jest wskazane.
Po zablokowaniu zmian pojawi sie d?u?szy opis naszej startegii na dzis , czyli gdzies ok 13,30 :)

And I guess the league and cup prize money will be granted after the server restart (tentatively after 31/08)?

Any idea of when will the next Academy roster show up?
All were happen on same day,always.

Suggestions/Bugs / Re: [BUG]Why change China U21 Player!!!
« on: August 20, 2014, 10:04:28 AM »
Why we use 20 credits?! Why we buy token?! :o

the question is : why we can heal players? GKO is not MMRPG:P This is smoothing like sport/financial simulator. And still here we have some magic ha ha ha. Some wizards and unicorns will  come later :P

Suggestions/Bugs / Re: [BUG]Why change China U21 Player!!!
« on: August 20, 2014, 06:57:54 AM »
In general we all know that injured players are remove automatically from NT squad.( even there is still time to recover before NT game!!!)

I don't know why you didn't write whole situation? He was injured yesterday, he is healthy today so he was healed or injury length was 1 day only. Yesterday game here and player Fenghui Ding

And the real  problem is if he was automatically remove from U21 squad :
1) just after Custom Cup games
2) he was removed in daily update?

If 1) it is disaster cause any NT manager can do nothing with that :( The only solution is to don't use NT players in custom cup games.
If 2) there is still time to heal player before update.

IMHO better way is to get human managers to decide if they want to have injured player or not w NT squad. It is simple but we all know GKO :(:(:(

Suggestions/Bugs / Re: Stadium bug?
« on: July 20, 2014, 10:26:46 AM » B level
As Golex said B level  guaranteed a minimum of  15000 number of spectators.
Team Rating is only 1175 and it is not enought to fullfill your stadim , papsarmy
 You have to rise your team rating

Yeah, there will be more 2nd and 3rd teams of same users. This problem should be clear asap. IMHO only one club from one user should participate in one competition. If not there will be a lot of games with fixed results before played :(

MOTSes like we have make this situation even worst :(

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: Youth camp update
« on: May 27, 2014, 11:11:51 AM »
Tell me what it means? Youth academy
CA - ?
LA - ?
PR - ?
CA Current Ability
LA Limited Ability
PR Progress Rate

From Rules Chapter 5 :
"Limited Ability" is an attribute for players which indicates the maximum that the player's current ability attribute can ever rise to. There are 6 classes of potential ability; Very Bad, Bad, Okay, Good, Very Good, and World Class.
"Progress Rate" is how fast the player can learn. There are 5 classes of progress rate; Very Slow, Slow, Okay, Fast, and Very Fast.

From the begining I always say that WCC with tickets income, prizes and training outcome is bad thing. We all should play in international competition for honor and glory not for money and training. The gap between team which plays season by season in WCC and which don't participate is bigger and bigger. I am in  and I see that no one from Poland can catch me and Dynamit in power of club and players, never ever!

I know what you mean about this season WCC groups, there are many second teams premium users, Thailand mostly.
This is another bad thing of GKO , teams from weak countries with premium have big adventage when compare with i.e. all teams in Poland (without me and Dynamit).
We all know GKO is unfair from the begining till know. I lost faith long ago if it change.

So for me there can be as many international competition as server com handle ,lol So  there will be more teams with higher incomes and training .

Suggestions/Bugs / Re: Training outcome is wrong FOR 3 days???
« on: May 20, 2014, 06:32:31 AM »

We will investigate this issue as soon as possible.

really?! it took you 4 days just to hear that something is wrong?!
you haven't even found the solution?!


your work week starts on tuesday?
I think he works for GKO only for some days a month like freelancer :P

Need help ? / Re: Player injuries
« on: May 11, 2014, 09:36:26 AM »
I have max physio, yesterday got 12 days, in previus I had many over 10 days. Best physio cut injury  by half only.

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